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With the 2015 (10yrs+) established aivanic fashion a franchise comprised of a fashion brand, fashion television network, radio station, magazine,brick X mortar ( fashion stores chain ) and a model agency

we are currently creating the aivanic fashion coin were you will be rewarded for playing the game through collecting tokens / coins
will be available on telegram or web

aivanic fashion
aivanic fashion
Aivanic fashion content is a subsidiary of aivanic fashion from ripeo Tari ( corporation)

High pay per view

0.03$ will be awarded to your wallet per verified view

Per click rewarding

For any forwarding a user to any of our brands I.e gaviapers or Yvonne Grahamz a 0.06 $ reward will be Rewarded to your wallet

STAts from aivanic fashion

Popular approved requesters

    Linked X purchases

    0.10$ will be awarded to you if a linked user purchases an aivanic item

    Withdraws begin from 50$ "what!!!✓

    Yes either to your mobile money a/c or bank account

    aivanic fashion

    aivanic fashion o4A

    aivanic's logo is simple focusing on the text
    "aivanic" or "aivanic fashion"

    The lowercase aivanic logotype (on the right)) is taken to be classic ,its executed in a bold typeface with smooth thick lines .

    Updates from aivanic fashion ads

    Russia has a cancer vaccine,wow!!!
    Aivanic Fashion celebrates a decade of existence
    Yvonne Grahamz men is here
    Smoothing cream or smoothing lotion , Which is better from yvonne Grahamz
    Detail about YVONNE GRAHAMZ 's shivan perfume